Managing director: Mattias Rutschinski
Johann-Nikolaus-Zitter-Str. 22
D-96317 Kronach / Ofr.
Tel.: +49 (0)9261 / 61599
Fax: +49 (0)9261 / 61589
E-mail:  info(at)
We will address your  E-mail and enquiries without delay.

Your IRUBA team
Mattias Rutschinski
Managing Director



You can see the latest technologies in videos on our IRUBA-TV video platform. Please use our link below.

The advantages of the patented fir-tree groove milling technology can be described as follows:

  • Maximum process reliability thanks to minimal cutting forces and yet very high material removal (Q/min.) at the same time.
  • Only a small number of special milling tools is required.
  • The grooves have high shape and positional accuracy thanks to tension and heat-free milling without thermal strain on the peripheral zone along the cutting range.
  • The positive side-effect of the high process reliability which this achieves: processing times are approx. 30-40% shorter.
  • Increasing production capacities without additional machine investments
  • An HPC method for dynamic and modern machine technologies

If you want to make use of the benefits of this technology as a competitive advantage at your company or learn more about other applications, don’t hesitate to send us an E-mail to m.rutschinski(at)  .

Please feel free to call us at +49 (0) 92 61- 6 15 99